Lubbock Adventist News

Pastor’s Page April 24, 2021

For several weeks now we have been considering how we can best experience and celebrate the Communion Service in a way that safely provides the blessings of this special service. Many of you have mentioned that you have missed these times together as it has been more...

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Pastor’s Page 4-17-21

As we continue to explore the stories that Jesus told it is interesting to note just how many of them begin with the words, “the kingdom of Heaven is like....” The things that Jesus was talking about day after day sounded somewhat familiar but oh, so very different at...

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Pastor’s Page April 10, 2021

As Jesus illustrated the principles that He wanted His hearers to understand, He often used stories of common, everyday things to help communicate the truths of His message. Those who heard Him teach were even able to witness what He was describing as they listened....

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Pastor’s Page April 3, 2021

For the past few days I have been reflecting on the stories that we explored together last Sabbath. These stories all had a recurring theme and application as Jesus carefully fashioned His message to impact His listeners. As we remember, these stories are the response...

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Pastor’s Page March 6, 2021

It has really been interesting to study of the conversations that Jesus had with several people during His time here on Earth. Whether the conversation was held in private or in the company of a crowd or audience, the words spoken by Jesus were insightful as they...

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Pastor’s Page February 20, 2021

What an amazing time it has been for all of us over the past week and a half! Winter has been rolled out over a huge portion of our country in ways that have brought whole infrastructure and transportation systems to their knees. For the first time anyone can...

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Pastor’s Page February 13, 2020

As we have reviewed conversationsthat various people had with Jesus,it has been interesting to see howthe different ones responded toHim, and what He had to say. Thedisciples truly had the advantage oftime when it came to experiencingthe ministry that Jesus shared...

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Pastor’s Page February 6, 2021

As we continue our series on the conversations that Jesus had with various people during His brief earthly ministry, we are reminded of the many ways that He demonstrated His grace and love to these folks. We have explored two personal visits during which Jesus had...

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Pastor’s Page January 30, 2021

As we have explored several very special conversations that Jesus had with individuals during His earthly ministry we have witnessed the very perceptive, compassionate and discerning way that He related to each of these folks. While His comments to them had specific...

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Pastor’s Page January 23, 2021

The biblical record of theconversations that Jesus had withanother person, or even withgroups of people, is truly amazing.It is interesting to consider thatthe purpose of these conversationsto the original ‘hearers’ of His wordswas clear and beneficial eventhough they...

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