Lubbock Junior Academy…

currently accepting students for grades 1 through 8 for the 2014-15 School Year. Student Applications are available in the church foyer, or by calling 806.795.4481. Please feel free to contact: Susan Zimmermann, M.A. Principal and Teacher Home 806.368.3055 School...

The Christmas Present

Seventy-two years ago today, Pearl Harbor in Hawaii was bombed by the Empire of Japan. The United States entered World War II. Country fought against country, battles were fought across Europe and in the vast Pacific Ocean. However, the program Lubbock Junior Academy...

June Newsletter 2014

Dear Church Family, Father, Dad, Daddy, or even Papa can stir a wide variety of feelings, memories and emotions. Sadly, the term is not positive for everyone, and Father’s day can be a difficult time. Many have lost their fathers, some have had fathers who failed...

Operation Christmas Child …

The boxes are packed. Toothbrushes and toothpaste are tucked into a corner of each green and red box. Each box has a bag of hard candy waiting to make a needy child’s hands sticky and tongue feel sweet. There are pencils and crayons awaiting budding artists. Lubbock...

Books and Art …

. . . just seem to go together. They make a wonderful pair. LJA students have several books and magazines which they are in the process of reading. Each Friday, they work on an art project based on a famous artist’s drawing or paintings. They have done projects based...