Pastor’s Page June 26, 2021

In Paul’s letter to the Galatians he shares some incredibly important counsel that brings powerful blessings to the community of faith. “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ” (6:2). This counsel is very important in the...

Pastor’s Page June 19, 2021

While our current sermon series focusing on the parables of Jesus is not intended to address all of the many stories that Jesus told, we have considered quite a few of them. We have been blessed by the value that Jesus placed on people as He draws back the curtain to...

Pastor’s Page June 5, 2021

The Gospel writers record that Jesus begins most of His stories with words about a kingdom that was nothing like any the people had ever seen or heard of before. In Matthew’s Gospel Jesus uses the phrase, “the kingdom of Heaven is like” 32 times as He teaches the...