Lubbock Junior Academy

After seeing the World War II Memorial, the Lubbock Junior Academy students began the long walk towards the Lincoln Memorial. On the south side of the Reflective Pool they stopped at the Korean War Memorial. It is in the form of a triangle intersecting a circle. On...

Lubbock Junior Academy

that you have heard about our plane trip to Washington, D.C. and our Metro (subway) ride to the National Mall. Next, we visited the Washington Monument, we were not able to take the elevator up to the top due to the earthquake damage in August of 2011. We walked on...

March Newsletter 2013

Dear Church Family, I hope this letter finds you blessed and in health. As most know, Passover and Easter are very close to each other on the calendar, sometimes even falling on the same weekend. Most Christians think of Easter as a memorial of what Christ did for us...

Lubbock Junior Academy

May 9. 2012: The morning started by meeting at the Lubbock Airport. Our students heading to D.C. didn’t need a picture I.D. and one student wasn’t asked to take off his shoes. This is how we began our exciting trip to Washington, D.C. We flew on American Airlines to...

Lubbock Junior Academy

Dear Church Members, Just look at some of the interesting things your generosity helped us experience this past week on our trip to Washington, D.C.! We rode on an airplane! We visited many historical places like Mount Vernon, Monticello, the U.S. Capitol Building,...