
What is prayer? Why should we pray? The majority of Christians agree that prayer is a very important thing to do but not all Christians tend to pray regularly. It has been said that the average person in America prays one minute a week. Even pastors find prayer to be...

Happy New Year

Soon it will be the beginning of the New Year, 2017! It seems impossible to me that we have already moved so far into the new millennium. It seems like just yesterday that preachers were hysterically warning congregations about the technological and economic meltdown...

Fellowship & Bread

Part 4 Jesus is not the reason for the season! This would be an appropriate moment to re-read that. No, I’m not advocating that Jesus should not be the focus during this holiday season. I want to draw our minds instead to the words of Jesus. Jesus mentioned in a...

Vacation BiBle School . . .

Coming July 6-11, 6 to 8:30pm For the enjoyment oF Children 4-12 Kids MarK your calendar InvIte your frIends ! Trace iT back To jusT The facTs! The evidence is clear. The proof is all righT here! Come disCover, deCide and defend The TruTh abouT who Jesus really is At...

Fellowship & Bread

Part 3 One of the main tenets of the Early Christian Church was fellowship and the breaking of bread. It was done weekly and in some places the Early Church would meet daily. As they met together to worship, converse about life and struggles, and ate with one another,...