Part 4
Jesus is not the reason for the season!
This would be an appropriate moment to re-read that. No,
I’m not advocating that Jesus should not be the focus during
this holiday season. I want to draw our minds instead to the
words of Jesus. Jesus mentioned in a parable found in John
10 that He has come to this world to give us life in a more
abundant way.
Jesus is the reason for life!
Every facet of our life should be a praise to our Savior and
the possibilities that have come to us through Him. As we
complete our Fellowship & Bread sermon series we are going
to be looking at the fellowship opportunities that were
made possible because of Jesus’ birth. These principles are
so important that if we are to grow in our relationships we
need to live them out.
Notice the words of William Barclay speaking on the Birth
of Jesus and the Wise men:
There is not the slightest need to think that the story of the
coming of the Magi to the cradle of Christ is only a lovely
legend. It is exactly the kind of thing that could easily have
happened in that ancient world. When Jesus Christ came,
the world was in an eagerness of expectation. Men and
women were waiting for God, and the desire for God was
in their hearts. They had discovered that they could not build
the golden age without God. It was to a waiting world that
Jesus came; and, when He came, the ends of the earth
were gathered at His cradle. It was the first sign and
symbol of the world conquest of Christ
(The Gospel of Matthew, Vol 1, p. 32).
Jesus came into this world in order to save us.
Jesus came into this world with you in mind.
Jesus came into this world to provide
us with a better way of life.
Jesus came into this world to
transform it though you & me.
As William Barclay noted, the world was ready for Jesus to
arrive. A new golden age was made possible through the
Savior and we must realize that we too can enjoy a golden
age. All we have to do is make Jesus the center of our
world and let Him shine through every relationship we
have. When we do this, Christ’s conquest of a fallen world
will be complete. May you remember that
Jesus is the reason for LIFE this season.
Grace & Peace,
Pastor Geraldo
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