by adminLAC | May 30, 2019 | Pastor's News
Church Family & Friends,The topic of faith has always fascinated me…maybe because I’ve often felt thatI don’t have enough of it!In the often-overlooked story of Jephthah,we find helpful hints as to whatmakes a person’s faith grow.In Heroic Faith(Part 2),my prayer...
by adminLAC | May 23, 2019 | Pastor's News
In this nation, we are FREE… so long as weFulfill the Requirements for ourEveryday Existenceherein.There is a Standard, which is found in the Lawsof the Land, to which each person is held.As we keep the Laws, we uphold theStandard of our Freedom. Failure...
by adminLAC | May 16, 2019 | Pastor's News
Church Family & Friends,Welcome to church today!A couple of questions to ponder on…Why is it that some the best movies out thereare about soldiers, athletes, missionaries,social reformers and martyrs?Isn’t it because we all like to seeheroes at work,...
by adminLAC | May 14, 2019 | Pastor's News
Friends & Visitors,On this very special baptism Sabbath,we are finishing our current series,“For Your Family’s Sake(Part 3)Find the Easy Way!”.This series has been focused on learning how tomaximize this wonderful thing called… family!Today we will look at how to...
by adminLAC | May 2, 2019 | Pastor's News
This morning we extend a warm and cordial welcome to our distinguished guest speaker, Dr. Bill Kilgore.Dr. Bill Kilgore completed his undergraduate work in 1977 at Columbia Union College in Takoma Park, MD; his Masters of Divinity from Andrews University in Berrien...
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