Operation Christmas Child…

The bars of soap have been sorted. The washcloths are stacked neatly. Toothbrushes and tubes of toothpaste are gathered into plastic bags and some yummy, hard candy has been neatly packed into zip lock bags. We’re almost ready to pack the boxes for Operation Christmas...

LJA Red Ribbon Week . . .

Red Ribbon Week is a national endeavor to educate young people about drug awareness, drug prevention and drug recovery. LJA was privileged to have two recovery counselors, Jack and Michelle, from The Ranch at Dovetree here in Lubbock. They shared the approach used at...

LJA Classroom . . .

We took our yearly visit to the Apple Orchard last week to experience Fall in an orchard setting. There are 6,000 apple trees on this vast property and not an apple to be seen on any tree. We were told a couple of frosts in April had killed the apple blossoms which...

May Newsletter 2014

Dear Church Family, I trust this letter finds you blessed and in health. When researching in preparation for Mother’s Day I came across the phrase “Invisible Moms.” It made me think back about my mother as I grew up. She was always there behind the scenes, doing...

LJA Classroom . . .

We are blessed at Lubbock Junior Academy to have Mrs. Elizabeth Verastegui help us every morning. In addition to listening to students read and assist them with math, she has also taught finger knitting to several of them. Students make a slipknot and secure it on...