Red Ribbon Week is a national endeavor to educate young people about drug awareness, drug prevention and drug recovery.

LJA was privileged to have two recovery counselors, Jack and Michelle, from The Ranch at Dovetree here in Lubbock. They shared the approach used at The Ranch. There they develop a plan for each client, fostering the development of essential elements for lifelong recovery, including: Hope, Power of Choice, Positive Identity Development, Healthy Coping Skills, Capacity for Stable Relationships, and Sense of Achievement and Accomplishment.

We also watched a video from the Foundation for a Drug Free World where we learned many truths about drug use.

To emphasize a positive lifestyle the teachers and students did fun things each day to emphasize the dangers of and prevention of drug use. At the end of the week the reward for participation was a yummy chocolate sundae. After which we went around the school neighborhood delivering the G.L.O.W brochure “Addiction.” Our prayers are with our students and our neighborhood that they may learn that Jesus is the best “high” there is.

Susan Zimmermann