Lubbock Adventist News

Speaker’s Page 10-14-2023

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus is credited with saying, “Everything changes, and nothing remains still.” Or, another way of saying it is: The only thing that is constant is change. I wonder what Heraclitus would have thought about the twenty-first century. Social,...

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Pastor’s Page 10-7-23

Today it is our great privilege to host Pastor Raul Alvarez and his wife Giovanna. They are a wonderful pastoral team and their current church congregations are greatly blessed by their ministry. Pastor Raul Alvarez was born in Cuba into a Seventh-day Adventist...

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An Ode to Lubbock

August 30, 2023, marked 20 years of membership in the Lubbock Seventh-day Adventist Church and the Texico Conference. I was re-baptized after the Prophecy Seminar held by the late Leo Schreven, one in which I also served as a layman working closely with Pastor Sean...

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Cactus, Cats, Mountain’s and More!!!

That was the theme for the weekend at the Pathfinder camporee in Palo Duro Canyon last weekend! The weekend began for us on Thursday night loading all the supplies and gear at the conference office. We chose to load at 9pm since it had been in the triple digits the...

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Pastor’s Page 9-2-23

In the last few years, I have adopted a mantra that I live my life by. You possibly have heard me say it from time to time. The mantra is simple, "it's a good day to be alive." I must be honest with you, there have been times in my life in which a phrase like this...

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Pastor’s Page 8-26-23

In Luke 10:25-37 is found a well-known parable given by Jesus. This is the story of the Good Samaritan. I’m certain that you have probably heard sermons over the years from this passage. And no doubt, you have been blessed in tremendous ways by this story. For some,...

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Lubbock Junior Academy . . . 6-3-23

Lubbock Junior Academy . . . 6-3-23

Greetings from your Church School: Twenty Years ago, when we moved into this building, everyone was so grateful and truly believed this building to be a “Gift from God.” At our first Business Meeting, there were many ideas of how we could ‘give back’ - how could we...

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Pastor’s Page 5-20-23

Adventurers (Written by Lubbock Church Adventurer Club Leader, Amy Hovorka) The Adventurer program was created to assist parents in their important responsebilities as a child’s primary teacher and evangelizers. The program aims to strengthen the parent/child...

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Pastor’s Page 2-4-2023

Dear Church Family: Last week, in addition to Children Story time at worship, we had Children Church, one of the quality Children and Youth programs we have here at Lubbock Seventh-day Adventist church. Our Children and Youth Ministries programs include Lubbock Junior...

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Pastor’s Page 12-10-2022

PREPARATION FOR CHRISTMAS SABBATH COMMUNION Today, our 2022 “Journey to Bethlehem” takes us to Nazareth of Galilee and the village of Ein Karem, five, six miles in the Jerusalem foothills. It takes us to the hidden and mysterious core of the Christmas story: the womb...

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