There is much we can learn from Moses
and his calling to ministry at the burning
bush. This calling was meant to
encourage not only Moses as a visible
leader, but also the people of Israel whom
Moses was called to lead. Moses had a
struggle he needed to overcome – his
struggle with self-confidence as well as his
identity as a viable leader to do what God
was asking him to do. You see, Moses
thought that his lot in life was to be ruler of
Egypt and when that didn’t pan out it seemed that he was
content to settle as a shepherd. That’s what he was
doing when God called him.

Moses’ identity problem is on full display when God calls him to
“Let My people go!” Moses responds initially by asking God the
wrong question. Exodus 3:11 says, “…’Who am I that I should
go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?’”

I say this is the wrong question because Moses knew
himself. He knew that he lacked confidence. He knew he didn’t
have extensive leadership training. He knew that he had a
speech problem. He felt the odds were stacked against him;
therefore, his insufficiencies and weaknesses were all he could
focus on…and it wasn’t good enough for what God was asking.

After some dialog, Moses then asks the right question. He
basically asks, “Who are You?” And God answered, “I Am
who I Am.” I Am who I Am? What does that mean? What
we don’t often recognize is that God as the “I Am” is
enough. There is no need for descriptive nouns,
there is no need for modifiers.

What God is telling Moses was, “I Am who I Was,
I Am who I Am, I Am who I Will Be. I just Am,
and whatever you need, I am that!
Moses had to find his identity in the
I Amness of God.

As the Lubbock church embarks on this new chapter with
Pastor Raul Alvarez as its visible leader, understand that a
calling has been
extended to him to
which he is not worthy
to take. It is a task that
his own shortcomings
and weaknesses would
disqualify him to be an
effective leader. But
there is one thing that
qualifies him and in this,
take comfort. His focus,
his trust and his confidence is in “I Am”.
If the Lubbock church recognizes that “I Am” is the One
equipping and guiding its pastor, then the church can take
confidence that they are in great hands! The Texico Conference
is looking on with anticipation at how this trio of God, Pastor
Alvarez and the Lubbock church will ultimately take shape.
Faithfully, there is much assurance in the I Amness of God and
what He will do for the good of this church and the community.

Welcome to the Lubbock Church
Pastor Raul and Giovanna Alvarez!

Trusting in
I Am who I Am,
Pastor Antonio Cano