Greetings, beloved church family!
I hope this message finds you all in
good health and high spirits. It is
with mixed emotions that I write to
inform you that I will not be able to
join you for church service today.

However, I bring you exciting news!
I have been given the incredible opportunity to return
to my alma mater, Southwestern Adventist
University, as a guest speaker for an event they are

As an alumnus of Southwestern Adventist
University, it fills my heart with joy to have the
privilege of sharing God’s Word with the university
community. I am humbled and grateful for this
opportunity to serve and inspire others through the
power of preaching. Please keep me in your prayers
as I embark on this special journey.

While I am away, I want to remind you all of the
upcoming revival weekend titled
“Revival in Prophecy,”
Our Mission in 3 Global Messages
which will take place from February 2-3. We have
invited the esteemed Dr. Rico to join us as our guest
speaker. Dr. Rico is known for his deep
understanding and passionate delivery of God’s
Word, and I am confident that his messages will
uplift and inspire our congregation. I encourage each
and every one of you to attend and participate in this
special weekend.

Although we will be physically apart, please know
that you all remain in our thoughts, prayers, and
hearts. We are one family in God, and distance
cannot diminish the bond we share. Let us continue
to support and uplift one another in our Christian
walk, even when we are not physically together.
I urge you to join me in praising the One who
deserves all honor and glory, Jesus Christ.
Together, let us offer our prayers and worship,
knowing that our love and devotion to Him transcend
any physical barriers. May His presence be felt in
every corner of your lives,
filling you with peace and joy.

We eagerly anticipate our reunion next weekend,
where we can once again come together to
celebrate and praise our Lord. Until then, let us
continue to grow in faith, love, and unity, knowing
that the Lord is with us always.

With heartfelt blessings and warm regards,