Lubbock Adventist News

Pastor’s Page

Over the past several weeks we have been reminded that the Letters of Paul provide powerful counsel on multiple themes that were not only important to the early church, but that remain very relevant for us today. We see his powerful comments about the love of God, we...

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For Pastor Phil Robertson

It is a great privilege to welcome a group of students from Southwestern Adventist University to lead us in worship today. These students have come to Lubbock with a very special mission on their lift up the name of Jesus. It is exciting that they have...

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Pastor’s Page

Our study in Ephesians has been a wonderful inspiration and vivid reminder of what the apostle shares for the benefit of God’s people, His Church. We have reviewed the contrast of what we were like before we were impacted by the power of the Gospel, and we have...

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Pastor’s Page

Last week we began a brief journey through Paul’s letter to the church at Ephesus. Once he was converted, the apostle Paul worked relentlessly to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles. Through his letters, his tireless ministry travels, and his focus on...

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Pastor’s Corner

It is well understood that when we refer to one of the many religious denominations in existence, we use the term, “church”. We also use this word to define or describe a building in which a congregation meets for their religious services. However, when we consider a...

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There is Good News in 2020! Jesus is coming soon! He will come in the clouds of His Father's bright glory to take His children home. Sin will be no more, peace will come upon the Earth, and the Universe will be fully restored. There will be no more sorrow, no more...

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Pastor’s Corner

Ever since that night in the Upper Room with His disciples, Jesus’ words of counsel and instruction continue to bring hope and comfort to His followers. With a tenderness that s ll resonates with us today, Jesus addressed this special group of friends in prepara on...

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Pastor’s Corner – Pastor Phil Robertson

Last week we briefly reviewed a group of people who were actually identified by God as ‘Heroes of Faith’. These were people who heard God’s call on their lives ‘to do’ something specific for Him or ‘to go’ somewhere that He would lead them to go. Even more, these...

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Pastor’s Corner

Pastor Phil Robertson As we have made our way through the study of Paul’s letter to the Colossians we have been reminded of several very important realities in the life of the follower of Jesus. The gospel of Jesus is more than just words, it is alive, and filled with...

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Pastor’s Corner

Over the past five months or so,millions of Americans have seentheir routines dramatically modifiedas Coronavirus concerns led manyemployers to arrange for theirworkers to do as much of their normaljobs as possible from home.Students also have seen similarchanges to...

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