Lubbock Adventist News


Under the Leadership of Archel BurdaTheme: Washin' Up! With the Word of GodWelcome Remarks and Prayer: Archel BurdaSingspiration: “Whisper a prayer in the morning”“Lord in the morning”Skit: The Lord's Prayer Drama Judith PateMission Spotlight: ~ ~ ~ Video...

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What Would You Do

What Would You Do

Dear Church Family and Friends,I am humbled and honored to share another message with you today. I pray that all has gone well for you this week with God's blessings. As seen on the news, there have been many tribulations around the world this week such as...

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Validate This!

Validate This!

Church Family & Friends,I want to extend to you a warm welcome today with the sincere hope that you will find what you’re looking for… both in our Friend Jesus and through those worshiping alongside you.Today we are continuing the sermon series...

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“Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse”

“Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse”

I know your deeds, that you are neither cold norhot. I wish you were either one or the other!So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot norcold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.(Revelation 3:15,16 NIV)We have the truth, fancy buildings, and elaborate...

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Validate This!

Validate This!

WELCOME to church today!How much do you appreciate finding out the truthabout a given topic when you turn on the newsor when researching an item on your phone?The truth is…we still care about the truth!Today we begin a new sermon series entitled,Validate...

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Jonah Battles with the God of mercy

Jonah Battles with the God of mercy

Church Family & Friends,WELCOME to church today!When was the last time you noticed a professionalathlete reveal in race or game just how goodhe or she really was? Can you imaginethe amount of prep work it takes toachieve that kind of...

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Jonah Accept the Call

Jonah Accept the Call

Friends & Church Family,Following God can bring unexpected blessings.Have you noticed this? And maybe more importantly… why?We will take some time to think through these questionsand more in today’s sermon entitled,“Warmed Hearts – Jonah, Accept the...

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Our Heavenly Home

Our Heavenly Home

Visitors & Church Family,Have you stopped recently to reflect on what it means that Jesus is coming back soon?!It’s interesting to note what happens as we allowour minds to wander that direction…Try it this morning and notice what happens!Today’s...

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Religious Liberty

FREEDOM TO BELIEVE The Seventh-day Adventist church strongly believesin religious freedom for all people. A person’s conscience,not government, should dictate his or her choice to worship - or not. We have advocated for these goals for more than100 years, through our...

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3 Little Words

3 Little Words

Dear Church Family, I find it interesting that Jesus’ arrival onearth was SO timely. He “showed up” at a very difficult timefor His people......a time of hopelessness,deep pain and suffering. Jesus STILL show’s up today in real and powerfulways, reminding us that (no...

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