Lubbock Adventist News

Pastor’s Page November 11, 2021

Scripture Gems from Romans: Chapter 1: “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.” (16) Chapter 2: “Because of your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself…God will repay...

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Pastor’s Page October 30, 2021

Last week we shared the powerful message of God in which the apostle Paul discussed at some length the concern of how the original plan for the Jewish people had failed. We read that God had remained faithful to His covenant promise to the descendants of Abraham,...

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Pastor’s Page October 23, 2021

This week we will explore chapter 11 of the letter that Paul wrote to the Roman congregations. We remember that, in chapter 9, Paul asked them if God’s promises to the people of Israel had failed since the majority of the people and their leaders had not accepted...

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Pastor’s Page October 9, 2021

As we have been in our current series we are now at about the half-way point of Paul’s letter to the Christians in Rome. In these chapters we see the apostle unequivocally committed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the fact that it is through this Gospel that the...

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Pastor’s Page October 2, 2021

Last week we were blessed by a wonderful study in Romans, chapter 7, presented by Abel Rios. When I asked Abel if he would be willing to share a message for that week he asked if I had a particular topic to suggest. When I told him that I only wanted him to share what...

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Pastor’s Page September 25, 2021

As we make our way through Paul’s letter to the Romans we are experiencing anew the importance of the plan of salvation that God has made available to all who believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This Gospel is really incredibly ‘good news’ as it encapsulates the...

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Pastor’s Page for September 18, 2021

Paul began his letter to the Romans by giving them an overview of their great need for a Savior. A Savior Who would bring a reign of righteousness to everyone who would believe, both the Jews and the Gentiles. We considered this righteousness in our study last week as...

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Pastor’s Page September 4, 2021

Today we are pleased to welcome Sam and Susie Baron to the Lubbock Church. The Barons have been members of the Midland Seventh-day Adventist Church for quite a number of years. Sam has long served as the Head Elder and lead Sabbath School teacher and Susie holds...

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Pastor’s Page August 28, 2021

Throughout human history people have wondered how to truly understand God, to get a picture of Who He is and what His relationship with mankind looks like. One of the recurring challenges to this understanding has been accepting the reality of His declarations to His...

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Pastor’s Page August 21, 2021

In our earlier studies of Paul’sletter to the Roman believerswe have encountered anapostle who is passionatelysharing some very specifictruths about the state of humanityand their, and our, need forhope. We have encounteredsome of the most descriptivelanguage that...

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