Annual Apple Orchard Trip

Pick an apple! Take a bite! Pick an apple, put it in a bag! Fall! The time for the LJA students to take a field trip to the Idalou Apple Orchard where they took a hayride and were dropped off by some beautiful Red Delicious apple trees. Each tree was loaded with fresh...

“Gifts of the Spirit”

LJA students recently read sections of Christ’s Object Lessons, Ellen White’s book describing the stories Jesus told. This book describes how Jesus used common objects and everyday life to teach about God’s grace, love, and salvation. Each page speaks of wisdom from...


LJA students experienced hands-on with owl pellets this past week. An owl pellet is a tightly packed mass of bones, fur, and anything else an owl is unable to digest. An owl cannot digest anything other than the meat of its prey. Bones, claws, and other indigestible...

Outdoor School

Does orienteering, rappelling, leaf rubbings and an 80 person game of Capture the Flag sound like a normal school day? It is when the Texico Conference invites all the grades 5-8 church school students to the Sam Tobias Memorial Campground near Ruidoso, NM. The first...

Shield the Vulnerable

Lubbock Junior Academy, along with the Lubbock Adventist Children’s Ministry programs, (including Sabbath School) participate in raising awareness and prevention of the mistreatment of the vulnerable, through an online program designed to accomplish this goal by...