Lubbock Adventist News

K. I. S. S. The Great Commission, Backwards?

3 And this is eternal life, that they mayknow You, the only true God, and JesusChrist whom You have sent.John 17:3 New King James Version (NKJV) Picture This: A rich individual has contacted you. He desires to give $1 Million to someone deemed worthy and has chosen...

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Keep Watching

Keep Watching

Dear Church Family, At the center of Adventism is our belief and hope that Jesus is coming back soon. I hope this news still brings a level of excitement to you… I can’t wait!!! Today’s message is a simple reminder that things REALLY ARE wrapping up, that the...

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Burger King Faith

Burger King Faith

"And the serpent saidunto the woman,'Ye (You and your husband)shall not surelydie: For Elohim (God)doth know that in theday ye (both) eat thereof,your eyes shall beopened, and ye shall beas elohim (gods), knowinggood and evil."The time was early September...

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Every Race Will Reign And Worship Him

Chaplain Israel MutemaWith the recent racially motivated mass shooting inEl Paso is there a prophetic word from the Lord?With the current wave of White Supremacy in thecountry is there a prophetic word from the Lord?With the racism, classism, nepotism rife...

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Blessing The Children

Blessing The Children

How does Jesus feel about children?Do they hold a special place in His heart?How important is blessing the children?Should we have the same attitudefor children in our care?How can I Bless the Children?These are questions we will look at today inBLESSING...

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Mis Understanding God

Mis Understanding God

Dear Church Family & Friends,Have you ever wondered about Exodus 4:21 whenGod says about Pharaoh, “…but I will harden his heart”?In Does God Harden Hearts?MisUnderstanding God (Part 5),we are going to look at this often raised question.Did God really...

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LJA Registration

LJA Registration

Lubbock Junior AcademyInvites you and your family toLJA REGISTRATIONPicnic/CookoutVeggie burgers and hot dogs will be served $5 suggested donation per personLJA Playground AreaSunday, August 4, 20191:00 pm – 4:00 pm

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MisUnderstanding God

“God saw all that he had made,and it was very good…”Genesis 1:31, NIVChurch Family & Friends,Have you ever been asked this LOADED question…Did God create the Devil?Maybe I should have started off by asking…Have you ever asked this question...

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The Mountains Will Melt

1 The LORD reigns, let the earth be glad;let the distant shores rejoice.2 Clouds and thick darkness surround him;righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne.3 Fire goes before him and consumes his foes on every side.4 His lightning lights up...

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MisUnderstanding God

Visitors & Church Family,How comfortable do you feel asking God for a sign?If not, could it be because of verses like this onefound in Mark 8:12 which reads:He sighed deeply and said,“Why does this generation ask for a sign?Truly I tell you, no sign...

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