Part 1
When reading and studying about thriving and growing
churches in early Christianity we find that almost all of
them had certain habits that led to their success. To understand
these habits it is necessary to study Acts 1 & 2.
The blueprint that describes what is needed for church
growth is found within these chapters. We will be
focusing on these five things: The Apostles’ Teachings;
Fellowship; Breaking of Bread; Prayer and the Holy Spirit.
As a church, we completed an overview of the Apostles’
teachings in our previous sermon series “The Bible:
Building a Bridge”. Now, in our new series entitled:
“Fellowship & Bread” we will be focusing on what
fellowship is and what it means to break bread together.
In January 2017 we will begin the new year with a study
on the topics of Prayer and The Holy Spirit.
As we begin our Fellowship & Bread series notice this
important note by Ellen White:
“After the descent of the Holy Spirit the disciples
went forth to proclaim a risen Saviour, their one
desire the salvation of souls. They rejoiced in the
sweetness of the communion with saints. They
were tender, thoughtful, self-denying, willing to
make any sacrifice for the truth’s sake. In their
daily association with one another they revealed
the love that Christ had commanded them to
reveal. By unselfish words and deeds they strove
to kindle this love in other hearts.
The believers were ever to cherish the love that
filled the hearts of the apostles after the descent
of the Holy Spirit. They were to go forward in
willing obedience to the new commandment:
“As I have loved you, that ye also love one another.”
John 13:34. So closely were they to be united to
Christ that they would be enabled to fulfill His
requirements. The power of a Savior who could
justify them by His righteousness was to be
magnified.” (Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 8, p. 241).
This week, as we start our Fellowship & Bread sermon
series ask yourself the question:
“Do I love my fellow Christians?”
As part of our study on this important topic of fellowship
and breaking bread together we will find that love is at it’s
core. May we learn to be better Christians as a result of
our study and actions.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Geraldo
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