Lubbock Junior Academy devoted the first week of November as Fall Week of Prayer. Not only did Pastor Alonso give us a special devotional message each day, he also taught us an action version of Jesus Loves Me. Students laughed and giggled at his fun talks and gave thoughtful answers to his honest questions.

One day Pastor Alonso slipped away from a giggly story to the intriguing story told in Mark 5 of a woman who had a blood issue and the rejection she experienced from other people. The woman reached out in faith and touched Jesus. Her deep faith healed her. LJA Students were asked to touch Jesus and to become really connected with Him.

The students were asked time and time again to look up texts in the Word of God. Daily messages were sprinkled with supporting Bible verses. On the first day our Pastor used John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” This was our beautiful theme for the week.

On the last day, Pastor Alonso invited each student to talk to their parents about studying for baptism.

Belonging to Jesus is the best part of life!

Susan Zimmermann