Belief ’s Have Benefits

Church Family & Friends, This week we are beginning a new series called: Beliefs Have Benefits? In this series we will look at some of the core beliefs of the Adventist Church by addressing the following questions: When it comes to fundamental Bible teachings,...

HIStory Of Prayer Where is it’s place today?

This week we are concluding our four-part series on prayer with a look at the value of praying for others. Questions that we will be examining out of texts such John 17 are: How much fun can you have praying for others? How far did Jesus take this type of prayer? What...

HIStory Of Prayer Where is it’s place today?

This week we continue to look at prayer with our emphasis on the benefits of praying together. Questions that we will be examining out of texts such as Acts 1 & 2 are: I already pray, so why pray as a group? With life being so busy, how much time should be...