Have you ever felt as though you don’t have anything to contribute to God? You may have this deep desire to be an agent for the Kingdom of Heaven, but as you take inventory of what you have to offer, do you feel like your gifts or talents are too few or inconsequential?

This week we will be examining the first miracle story from John 6, and the next time that we meet together to continue our Start With WHY series, we will look at the second. In this chapter we will see Jesus further develop His “WHY” statement to the world.

When looking at this miracle we find that Jesus had a large crowd of people following Him. They were hungry and approximately nine miles away from the nearest city where they could all get food to eat. Jesus had great sympathy for them and already had a plan to take care of their needs. But Jesus wanted to allow His disciples, and any willing person, to be a part of the miracle.

Today… Jesus invites you be part of His “WHY” strategy for this world. What will your answer to Jesus be?

In this story we see that one disciple felt as though there was nothing that could be done, and another offered up a very meager gift to be shared. It must have felt to him as though he was offering something meager to the Savior. But notice this counsel from William Barclay on offering up gifts and talents to Jesus:

“Jesus needs what we can bring him. It may not be much, but He needs it. It may well be that the world is denied miracle after miracle and triumph after triumph because we will not bring to Jesus what we have and what we are. If we would lay ourselves on the altar of His service, there is no saying what He could do with us and through us. We may be sorry and embarrassed that we have not more to bring— and rightly so; but that is no reason for failing to bring what we have. Little is always much in the hands of Christ.” (The Gospel of John, Vol. 1, p. 239).

Remember, none of your gifts are too small for Him to use. All He needs from us, is a willingness to help. Today Jesus invites you to be a part of the “WHY” strategy for this world.

So again I ask, Will you partner with Him to change the world?

– Pastor Geraldo