Worship is an important part of the way we begin school. It helps set the tone for the whole day. This past week the students have heard the continued story, Shower of Grasshoppers, by Bradley Booth.

The setting for the story takes place in Southern Nigeria with a family which included Grandfather, Mama, Papa, son, and daughter. They are traditional spirit worshipers. They prayed to about 6,000 spirits, until a college student from a Seventh-day Adventist school sold them Bible Readings for the Home. As the family read this book they learned that the seventh day is the Sabbath and God requires10% of income returned to Him.

These new Christians walked 30 miles to worship with other believers in a real church. They also read that God would bless them if they returned tithe. Papa decided to return 10% of their meager income to God. It was a frightening act of faith, but the pastor assured them God would provide.

Shortly after returning their tithe this sincere family was about to pick their first cash crop of beans when the skies became dark and a loud whirring sound rattled the ground beneath their feet. Millions of grasshoppers descended on the village and every bit of vegetation on the family’s farm, and the surrounding countryside was eaten. Large grasshoppers covered each person’s body. Wasn’t God supposed to bless them when they returned tithe? Didn’t God care that there would be no food once the grasshoppers were through? How did God answer the prayers of these new Christians?

If you want to know how the story ends, please feel free to ask any of our students for a unique answer to the prayers of faith.