Can you believe that summer is almost gone and it is already time to start thinking about school again?
I want to share an exciting decision made by the church board just this week, in an effort to make Adventist education at Lubbock Junior Academy (LJA) much easier financially.
The decision? To offer 50% off tuition for ALL children in grades K-8 of our Lubbock Seventhday Adventist church members for the upcoming school year.
This rarely heard-of commitment (a first for me to experience), comes from a place, as I see it, of wanting to see each of our children have both a great quality education while being fully prepared spiritually to be ready when Jesus pierces through
those clouds again.
Would you prayerfully consider joining us at tomorrow’s registration?
AND… Whether your plans include LJA next year or not, I want to invite you and your children out for a wonderful time of food (pizza) and fun on a 30 foot trampoline (pictured below).
See you tomorrow, Sunday, July 29, from 2-4 pm!
Pastor Ray

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