“I am God and there is no one like me. I reveal
the end from the beginning, from ancient times I
reveal what is to be. I will accomplish all that I
please. I summon a bird of prey from the East,
one from a distant land to fulfill my purposes.
Mark this: I have spoken and I will bring it about.
I have a plan to carry out, and carry it out I will.”
Isaiah 46:9-11
“In the past the Lord God of ages revealed His secrets
to His prophets. He looked down the centuries
and predicted through His prophets the rise
and fall of Kingdoms hundreds of years before the
foretold events took place. Kings and Princes take
their position at the appointed time. They think
they are carrying out their own purposes, but in
reality they are fulfilling the word God has given
through His prophets.” Review & Herald, 1900 by Ellen G White.
God devised a plan with accurate precision as to the timing
to put down rebellion and atone for the sins of mankind.
There was:
A time for the flood.
A time for the Exodus
A time for Christ to come to Earth
A time to be baptized
A time for the crucifixion
A time for the ascension
A time for the Holy Spirit to come.
A time for the “time of the end” to begin.
A time for the judgement to begin.
A time for the Second Coming, though only God knows the exact hour.
God’s time table may appear too long. In fact it really is
not delayed because at God’s appointed time His plan will
take place.
Habakkuk 2:3: “For the vision is yet for an appointed me, but at the
end it will speak and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it because
it will surely come, it will not tarry.”
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