The fifth school year of Lubbock Junior Academy has come to a close. My mind and heart are filled to the brim with thankfulness to God! It’s been a good year. What a year! Together we’ve learned much and shared experiences that will remain with us on this earth and in Heaven.
Plans have started for the 2014 – 2015 school year. We alreadyhave two gracious donations of a new library automation system and a Kindergarten learning rug.
All of us are anxiously awaiting the addition of a second teacher and adding Kindergarten and ninth grade.
Miss Michelle Rico, our new K-3 teacher, is taking a summer school workshop at Southwestern Adventist University, and then will spend some time in the country of Columbia with her family. She will be arriving in Lubbock in mid to late July. I will be in Albuquerque for camp meeting and then travel to California to visit with my brother and sister for a few weeks.
I do want to ask a favor of you. Please recommend LJA to your family and friends. Please call or e-mail me with names of potential students. Also, pray without ceasing for our school. Lubbock Junior Academy is His school and we want to build a better world – one child at a time.
Susan Zimmermann
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