Dear Beloved Church Family,

As we gather in fellowship and
reflection, I want to draw your
attention to a powerful message
found in the book of Revelation. In
Revelation 14:7, the first angel
proclaims, “Fear God and give him
glory, because the hour of his
judgment has come. Worship him
who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the
springs of water.” This profound declaration serves as
a reminder of our purpose and the importance of
aligning our lives with God’s divine plan.

God desires our worship – not just because He is
worthy, but because it is the very essence of our
creation. We were made to glorify Him, to acknowledge
His sovereignty, and to recognize His incredible works.
Yet, in our busy lives, it’s all too easy to drift into the
habit of pursuing our own plans and ambitions, often
losing sight of what truly matters.

One of the key aspects of God’s plan is the observance
of the Sabbath. This sacred day is not merely a break
from our weekly routines; it is a divine appointment
with our Creator. On the Sabbath, we are called to
pause, reflect, and reconnect with God. It is a time to
set aside our own agendas and immerse ourselves in
worship, allowing His presence to fill our hearts and

The crux of the matter lies in our willingness to submit
ourselves to God’s will. When we choose to prioritize
our desires over His, we often find ourselves in a cycle
of unfulfillment. We chase after fleeting goals, believing
that happiness lies in our achievements or possessions.
However, true joy and peace can only be found in a
relationship with Him. When we align our lives with
God’s plan, we open the door to a deeper sense of
purpose and fulfillment.

The first angel’s message is a clarion call to embrace
God’s plan for our lives. It invites us to worship Him –
not just in words, but through our actions and choices.
As we submit to His guidance, we begin to experience
the transformative power of His love and grace.

Let us remember that our happiness is intricately tied to
our willingness to follow God’s lead. May we strive to
worship Him wholeheartedly, especially on the Sabbath,
and may we find real peace and joy in our submission to
His divine plan.

In His love and grace,
Pastor Raul Alvarez