Dear Church Family and Friends,
October, the golden month of autumn leaves, is upon us and so from the Lubbock pulpit we look for the gold of God’s Word to be revealed to us.
Sabbath, October 1, is both Baptismal Sabbath and Prophecy Sabbath. Thus Dell Miller and Keith Marpa will be baptized and the prophetic message CAESAR GOES TO CHURCH will be presented.
October 8 is Children’s Ministry Sabbath when the lads and lassies, under the direction of Archel Burda and Josie Green, will lead in a worship program entitled – BE LIKE JESUS!
For our Sabbath service on October 15, we will celebrate communion and take in the message – WHY I LOVE THE CHURCH.
Come Sabbath, October 22, and the Texico Conference of Seventh-day Adventist will come to Lubbock with a Leadership and Youth Retreat. The theme of which will be “IN THE CARPENTER’S HANDS”. Of course, there will be numerous visitors from throughout West Texas and New Mexico join us to be a part of the proceedings. Now just to whet our appetites concerning this coming event an outstanding speaker, Phillip Samaan, Theology professor from Southern Adventist University in Collegedale, Tennessee will be our speaker during the eleven o’clock hour.
October Sabbaths will close on the 29th with a striking and informative message about THE TALE OF TWO COVENANTS.
I treasure seeing you in church,
Pastor Earl Robertson
PS: The Adventist Book Center Bookmobile will be in our church parking lot, Monday, October 3 from 5-7pm for our semi-annual BOOKS, BURGERS & BOOKMOBILE treat.
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