Teachers seem to be always making lists, A list of things to do for home, and a list of THINGS that need to be done at school with most of the items needing to be accomplished by the end of the week. Whew! It can seem overwhelming.

The following list is for you, our church family, to read and enjoy.

Thank you for purchasing 19 books for LJA when the Adventist Book Center Bookmobile was here.

Please accept our absolute appreciation for helping us raise $409 at our Spaghetti Supper Fund Raiser.

Please help us raise $1,150 more for the LJA students travel to San Antonio on May 12, to learn more about Texas History. Your contribution will be tax deductible. Just mark your offering envelope “LJA-Travel”.

God bless you for the support of the LJA Students when they conducted the church service on April 27.

Blessings to all of you!