Dear Church Friends,

Pastor Earl Robertson has accepted a new assignment which has led to a very intense and active search for the Texico Conference to find the right Pastor for the Lubbock Congregation. In the meantime, for the next few months, I will serve as your Pastor.

As was the custom of Pastor Earl, the intent of my letter to you is to advise you of the
programs planned.

This coming week I will be with you Sabbath, January 21, with a message on “The Promise of Plenty”. Then on Wednesday, January 25, from 7-8:30pm Dr. Vaughn James, from the Texas Tech University School of Law will be at the Lubbock Church to conduct a “Free Tax Clinic Workshop”.

Dr. David Merling, Pastor from the Albuquerque Heights Seventh-day Adventist Church, will be in Lubbock for a week-end of intriguing archeology subjects: Starting Friday, January 27, at 7:00pm – “The Search for Noah’s Ark” Sabbath, January 28, Dr. Merling will be the guest speaker for the 11 o’clock hour with “What’s Next?” followed by a potluck lunch and at 2:00pm he will present “Where’s The True Mount Sinai?” Plan to attend and stay for the afternoon seminar.

I will be back in the pulpit February 4 presenting “The Security of Salvation.” Leroy Green will present an uplifting message on February 11. Pastor Seán Robinson will be in Lubbock February 18, and I will be back with you on Sabbath, February 25.

May I remind you that the Church Bulletin is posted weekly on the Church Website. Just go to

May God bless you as we work together for the glorification of the name of Jesus.


Pastor Lee-Roy Chacon, Interim Pastor
Lubbock Seventh-day Adventist Church