Dear Church Family,
I hope this letter finds you blessed and in health. As most know, Passover and Easter are very close to each other on the calendar, sometimes even falling on the same weekend. Most Christians think of Easter as a memorial of what Christ did for us on the Cross. Unfortunately, the symbols of chocolate eggs, although tasty, and Bunnies, although cute, have nothing whatsoever to do with Christ’s sacrifice. Taking time to remember His sacrifice is a very worthy reason for a holiday.
Passover, on the other hand, was a feast given to point forward to Christ, the Passover Lamb, and it has some beautiful and worthwhile symbols we can still learn from today. One symbol specifically I would like to think about is the blood on the doorpost. During the Passover service the father, serving as the priest of the home, was to apply the blood of a slain lamb to the doorposts of the house. That blood was a shield so that the destroying angel would pass over the home. We no longer sacrifice a lamb and apply its blood to our doorposts, but our homes must be shielded by the blood of Christ, the only One who can shield and save from the destroying power of sin. Our home can be a sanctuary from the assaults of sin and the world.
I would like to invite you this month to re-consecrate yourself, your family and your home to Jesus. Apply His blood as a shield to the doorposts of your heart and your home. When you bring anything in (or as you evaluate what is already in) remember the blood on the doorposts. I long for, as I’m sure you do, the joy and peace He has paid for us to have. With His blood as our shield, our homes can become sanctuaries, each a foretaste of the peace prepared for us in heaven. Please pray with me that this will become the reality in your home and in mine!
Let’s take a few minutes to look at what we have scheduled in the month ahead.
This first Sabbath, March 2, in the sermon “Sight Swap” we will look at a message of urgent importance regarding listening to the leading of the Holy Spirit. In Revelation 3:18 we are told that the last day church will be a church with eye problems. Only Jesus can give us new sight, but we can by our choices destroy what limited sight we may have.
The students and teachers of Lubbock Junior Academy want to share the Spring Week of Prayer speaker with you. She is author, Sally Streib, who has a mission to teach others that the ocean is filled with lessons of Jesus’ love and care for us. You are invited to attend the meetings in the Conference Center March 5-8, 8:30 – 9:15 a.m. Sally will also present a nature nugget in the sanctuary on Sabbath, March 9, at 10:30 a.m. and conduct a vespers at 6 p.m. that evening. Her books and materials will be available for purchase after vespers. You will want to dive in and learn more about our speaker at Please invite your friends and have oceans of fun with us.
Sabbath morning, March 9, Chaplain Ken Cartwright will be our speaker. Ken’s message is entitled “Why I am a Seventhday Adventist.” I am sure this will be an inspiration and blessing.
March 16, I will present, “A Correct Misunderstanding”. Hopefully, we will not misunderstand what God wants to tell us. As we look in the Bible we find several examples of people who should have understood but seemed to completely miss the point. Then, on March 23rd the message will be, “Victory at Calvary.” We will spend some time at the foot of the cross, contemplating what Christ’s victory means.
March 30 promises to be an opportunity for a blessing I hope you do not miss. A very special Cantata, “When I Survey The Wondrous Cross,” combined with a communion service that, we are praying, will greatly bless each person who partakes. I invite you to do all within your power to be with us Sabbath morning, March 30.
Please pray for me as I pray for you!
God’s richest blessings,
Pastor Jeremy
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