I’d like to take a few moments to talk to you about the children in our church. For those of you who are parents, I know you want your child to grow healthy and have a good life. I believe the best type of life will have Jesus at the very core of it. Every time there is a problem in this world, God allows a baby to be born who will assist Him in helping solve this problem. This chosen baby is then nurtured by his/her parents, extended family, and a church family which includes our church schools. Your baby, no matter how old, has been given a talent and mission for this sin filled world. Currently, Dr. Simmons and I are reading, From the Hood to the Hill, by Dr. Barry C. Black Ph,D., D.Min., D.D. a devout Seventhday Adventist. He is the first person of color in the nation’s history to serve as Chaplain of the U.S. Senate. He received his education from the ghetto streets of Baltimore, MD, his mother, church family and Adventist church schools. In one of the book’s chapters he explains how Christian education provided a barrier for him against spreading corruption. He also explains how most Christian teachers “seek to develop students who can help nations prosper by serving as leaders and counselors at the highest levels.” Please prayerfully consider sending your child to church school. Lubbock Junior Academy registration forms for 2011-2012 are available from me or the church office. It’s an old saying but true; Seventh-day Adventist education doesn’t cost, it pays. Amen and amen.
Susan Zimmermann, LJA Principal
and enthusiastic fan of Adventist education
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