Lubbock Junior Academy has started its fourth year! We have 12 students and two more are coming at the end of the month. There is still time for anyone who would like to send their child to LJA to do so. We would love to have them.

There are several new things happening. The school is using the new Go Math! math series from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. This new series offers never before seen components that includes everything needed to address the rigor of the new national math standards and assessments. Check out Go Math! at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for more information.

Students in grades 1-4 are using the new Pathways reading program designed by Kendall-Hunt & Seventh-day Adventist educators. This reading program is a comprehensive program which integrates all of the language arts including reading, English, handwriting, and spelling. This approach allows students to follow a variety of avenues to become readers, writers and learners. The series is organized around nine broad themes using national language arts standards. Pathways uses award-winning trade books that children love to read to deliver the skills they need. Check out .

Beyond all of the above, our school teaches your children everyday about the Master Teacher, Physician and our Savior. It’s a great way to learn!