Dear Church Family,

As we gather this week, I want to
reflect on a powerful truth found in
the book of James, specifically
James 1:25, where we learn that

God’s Law is perfect and brings us
freedom. This concept might seem
paradoxical at first—how can law,
which often feels restrictive, lead to
freedom? Yet, as God’s children,
understanding and keeping His Law is essential for
experiencing the abundant life He desires for us.
God’s Ten Commandments were not arbitrarily
assigned; they were given for our benefit. They reflect
His character and provide a framework for living in
harmony with Him and with one another. Romans 7:12
reminds us that the law of God is holy, righteous, and
good. This means that God’s commands are rooted in
His nature, designed to guide us toward a life that
mirrors His goodness and justice.

In our society, we are surrounded by laws—some just,
some corrupt. The laws of our land aim to maintain
order and fairness among citizens. Similarly, God’s Law
serves a divine purpose: it helps us cultivate a
relationship with Him and encourages us to embody His
righteousness. When we follow His commandments, we
align ourselves with His will, which leads to true

It’s vital to understand that adherence to God’s Law
does not earn us salvation. We are saved by grace
through faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9). Instead,
we keep His Law out of love and gratitude for what He
has done for us. Our obedience is a response to His
love, a desire to reflect His character in our daily lives.

As we strive to live according to God’s commandments,
let us remember that they are not burdensome. They
are a pathway to freedom, teaching us to navigate the
complexities of life with divine wisdom. When we
embrace God’s Law, we cultivate a heart that seeks
justice, mercy, and humility—qualities that are
desperately needed in our world today.

This week, I encourage you to meditate on how you can
incorporate God’s Law into your life. Ask yourself: How
can I reflect God’s character in my actions? How can I
show love to others through obedience to His

May we keep God’s Law not out of obligation, but from
a heartfelt desire to grow closer to Him and to become
more like Him. In doing so, we will experience the true
freedom that comes from living in accordance with His
perfect will.

Blessings to you all,
Pastor Raul Alvarez