There is Good News in 2020!
Jesus is coming soon!
He will come in the clouds of His
Father’s bright glory to take His
children home. Sin will be no more,
peace will come upon the Earth, and the Universe
will be fully restored. There will be no more sorrow,
no more pain, no more sickness, no more shame,
and no more death! Cancer, COVID-19, Diabetes,
Heart Disease, Dementia… all of these will pass away!
Glory, glory hallelujah!
Since I laid my burdens…
Wait! There is still a work to be done! There are many
who cannot see the Good News to come until they can
overcome the bad news now! These can only see
despair, grief, and heartache because they are trapped
in situations where there seems to be no hope.
These may cry out, “Jesus, Thou Son of David, have mercy
on me!”… but they receive no mercy- no, not one
ounce of compassion- from the ones who wear
His name. These may have even been taken to the
water, but instead of being guided through the water,
they have been exiled to the desert and left to die!
These may yet be in the building today, smiling on
the outside, but hurting on the inside…
Who will HEAL them?!
Hearts Everywhere Are Longing to hear Him speak
miracles into their lives. They are waiting on the
Greatest Miracle to happen for them. Like the man sick
of the palsy, whose faithful friends led him to the only
One who could perform that Greatest Miracle in his
life, these Brothers and Sisters want to know the
Way of Truth that will bring Life to their dead
situations… they just need someone to show them.
What is the Greatest Miracle ever performed?
Let’s find out…
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