What is the point of studying the Bible? Can it add value to our lives? Are the texts of any portion of this canon able to impact our choices today? Can we learn anything new from such an ancient collection of writings?

This week we start a new sermon study on the Book of Colossians. Notice what is said about this book that was penned long ago:

This little epistle contains distinctive teachings about the person and work of Christ, about Christian living and relationships, and about Paul’s conception of his ministry. Studying the epistle is an adventure in Christian theology. It reveals Pauline thought and authentic Christian living. The pages of the text are alive with relevance and challenge the reader to a more reflective and informed faith (Melick, Richard R. The New American Commentary, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon, Vol. 32).

We will analyze the four chapters of this epistle through a six part sermon series. We will try to see what words Jesus was sharing with the people of Colossae, also what Jesus has to share with us today. As we venture through this letter we will find great similarities to this church and the current state of Christianity. Even though we will be looking at various concepts, there is only one theme throughout this book and it is “the centrality of Christ. No other epistle is as Christocentric as this one” (ibid).

The question we have to ask ourselves today is this:
“Is Jesus the center of my life?”
– If the answer is “no,” please wrestle with this text to find reasons why Jesus should be.
– If the answer is “yes,” please wrestle with this text to know how to keep Jesus at the center!

May we all be blessed by the reading, studying and applying of the life changing message of this book!

Pastor Geraldo Alonso, II