We have slowly turned the pages
on the year 2020. Perhaps to some
of us it seems that this was the
longest year in the history
of the world and in so many
ways it has been more than
challenging to most people. It is safe
to say that our experiences during
this year have likely forever changed
the way we live, work, shop and think.
We have witnessed many changes in how we do things and
yet, as a society, we see evidences of just how resilient and
flexible we can all be.

While the methods and processes of our daily lives may look
different at the end of the year compared to how it began,
the vast majority of us are surviving. Some of you have even
found that 2020 was a year when you witnessed the Lord at
work in your life, or family, in very profound ways and you
find yourselves praising God. Others have experienced
tragedy and loss and you have turned to the Comforter for
strength and hope.

However, one thing that hasn’t changed is the Mission of the
Church. This mission was lived out by Jesus throughout His
life, especially during His approximately 3.5 years of public
ministry. In addition to His teachings about various matters
related to the “Kingdom of Heaven”, Jesus took care to
demonstrate the importance of many people who He met
from time to time.

Jesus seemed to focus on a group of people whom we may
characterize by one of the “L’s” often used to describe them.
The way He treated these folks is not only an example for
us to follow, but how we respond to His call to do likewise,
is critically important in the context of eternity. This matter
is so important that scripture records that it rises to a
singularly specific focus in the eyes of Jesus. If we are truly
His followers then we must fully engage in His mission.
May God grant us vision that goes beyond just ‘looking’, may
we begin to ‘see’ as He sees.

Pastor Phil Robertson
Interim Pastor