Dear Church Family,

Welcome to our worship service
today! We are delighted to have
each and every one of you here,
joining us to worship the right and
true God. Today is a special
Sabbath dedicated to the health message and the
physical well-being of our congregation.

We are privileged to have Dr. Castrejon as our guest
speaker for this significant event. Dr. Castrejon is
not only a doctor at the Memorial Medical Center in
Las Cruces, New Mexico, but also the Health
Ministry Director for our Texico Conference. We
are grateful that he has accepted our invitation to be
with us today.

Dr. Castrejon is not just a remarkable doctor, but
also a dear friend of mine. We have worked together
on various projects during my time as pastor of the
Las Cruces church, and I am thrilled to have him
share his expertise with us.

Following our potluck, Dr. Castrejon will be
conducting a seminar on the effects of marijuana
use. I encourage you to attend and gather valuable
information that you can share with your friends,
family, and neighbors.

I am filled with anticipation for what God has in
store for our church this weekend, and I hope you
share the same excitement. May this Sabbath be a
joyful and meaningful experience for each one of
you as we worship in the presence of the Lord.

Wishing you a blessed Sabbath!
Pastor Raul Alvarez