August 30, 2023, marked 20 years of membership in the
Lubbock Seventh-day Adventist Church and the Texico
Conference. I was re-baptized after the Prophecy Seminar
held by the late Leo Schreven, one in which I also served
as a layman working closely with Pastor Sean Robinson.
Within one year, I served in my first leadership position as
Choir Director. The next two decades would see an
increase in opportunities to serve the Lubbock congregation
and the Texico Conference. Such titles and responsibilities
included Worship Leader, Pianist, Deacon, Elder,
Audiovisual Director, School Board Member and
Chairperson, Sabbath School Superintendent, Conference
Nominating Committee Member and Executive Committee

It has been an honor to serve as the Head Elder of the
Lubbock Church for most of the past twelve years. There
were many relationships forged along the way, some of
which remain solid to this day. From the home bible
studies of the Ukegbu Family and the force of nature we
knew as “Mrs. T” back in 2002 to the present day, this
Church and its lay people have carved a special place in
my heart, one that I will continue to carry with me on this
Christian journey. I was led to the City of Lubbock and to
this Church for a reason, and God has not failed to reveal
His purpose to me along the Way. Where HE sends me, I
will go, and where HE leads me, I will follow.

God will prosper the labors of all His people, and He wants
us to truly prepare for His soon return. The preparing work
will not be a comfortable process, but is very much
necessary for each of His chosen and beloved children.
Heed the counsel of Proverbs 3:5-7 and surrender your
hearts to the will of the Father in the Spirit of Christ. God’s
richest blessings and wonderful love be upon you all, and I
will keep you ever more in my thoughts and prayers.
Consider Revelation 3:19 as you hear this Message.

Your Brother and Servant,
Robert E. Plant II

“For the LORD is good,
His mercy is everlasting,
and His truth endureth
to all generations.”
– Psalm 100:5 –